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Creativity, Healing and Resilience:
Trauma-Sensitive Reflections in Communities of Need



This seminar is for ALL PUBLIC, art therapists and related creative professionals who are engaged in work with communities who have experienced traumas of various types, based on natural disasters, illness and loss, economic hardships, political upheaval, migration movements and racial oppression.  An overview of the psychology of trauma and recent findings about the neurological basis of it will be offered—most recently resulting from the pandemic--but with a particular focus on the unique role the creativity and the arts play in the healing and building of resilience for people of all ages. 


Increasingly, public and private educational institutions and social agencies around the globe have seen the need to provide support to professionals who serve diverse communities, themselves suffering secondary trauma.  The role of creativity in the healing of professionals will be explored, using the two lenses of trauma-sensitive and “healing-centered engagement.” These have become recent directions in the United States in mental health fields and make it clear how the community resources and strengths are central to the building of resilience. 



1)    To learn about recent research findings about trauma—including from the pandemic—and the implications for those engaged in creative professions.

2)    To gain more detailed strategies within a trauma-sensitive and/or healing-centered framework for work as art therapists and artists within diverse communities and those who serve them.

3)    To understand the psychological role of the arts in recent times of economic, political, and medical uncertainty.

            To share insights and expertise with other professionals

Devin Thornburg
Professor of Education at Adelphi University (New York, USA),
in Knowledge, Culture and Learning, Social Justice and DD courses. H H.


Ph.D., Counseling Psychology, New York University (1988)

Ed.M.,Psychology, Harvard University (1978)

B.S., Psychology/Philosophy, Tulane University (1976)

Author of the books:
Thornburg, D. (Editor, 2021), Global Perspectives on Adolescence and Education,
Amsterdam: Springer Publishers.
Thornburg, D. (2021), Trust Within Learning, Landham: Maryland: Lexington Books / Rowman and


Online by Zoom


November 17th, 2021
4 pm - 7 pm (GMT 5)





US $ 60 (American Dollars) (USD$120 - 50%)
Payment for foreigners through PayPal


The seminar will be in English with simultaneous English - Spanish translation

IMPORTANT: Once the payment has been made, please send proof of the transaction to indicating the name of the course, as well as the name and email of the registered person.

If it is not received, we will not be able to send the link to enter the course.


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